Saturday, 24 November 2012

Solar Cells

One of the courses I took in my senior year was a semiconductors course. There was one topic I was really interested in and that was solar cells. I will just go over a little bit of what I learned/remember from class. A solar cell is a semiconductor device that uses the suns radiation to produce electrical energy. Typically a solar cell is a p-n junction diode. This means that the solar cell is a combination of an n-type semiconductor and p-type semiconductor material. The reason why is because the p-n junctions potential energy barriers are...

Friday, 16 November 2012

Electrical or Computer Engineering?

We all know that in some departments around the world they combine electrical and computer engineering in 2nd year, but after that you gotta choose between the two. Have you ever had troubles choosing between the two? I know for me I had an easy time and chose electrical because I was not a big fan of programming. However, some people may not have an easy time choosing between the two. Some people want to know which one will provide a better career? More money? Or what if I want to do both? Well here's a post by Abraham Chan, a University of British...

Monday, 12 November 2012

Online Article + Supportive Comments!

So this is kind of old news, but I wanted to update it here on our blog page. As some of you may know, the Huffington Post wrote an article about our facebook page Engineer Memes online You can find the online article here: HuffingtonPost News Article about Engineer Memes I thought this was really cool! I never expected my page to get this kind of attention/exposure especially from a news website like HuffingtonPost! Being an admin of this page has been a lot of fun. The only downside i've seen is that it is really tough to have engineer memes...

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Women in Engineering

So I posted a engineer meme a week ago and it poked fun at how there are no females in Engineering. See picture here: No Girls in Engineering Meme A bunch of female engineers commented on the photo about how the photo was false (which is awesome by the way!). It was awesome and very nice to see all these posts by the female engineers on our fan page. It's great to see that there are more females joining engineering and that they are happy with their choice, going into engineering :). So I updated the photo with this meme: False! There are...

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Looking for Guest Bloggers

Hi! Do you like writing and want to talk about your engineering experiences? Is there something you want to inform to the engineering commmunity? Are there causes you believe in like volunteer work done under 'engineers without borders'. Then this blog may be the right place for you! You will not have to commit to this blog(can be a one time thing only if you want) or can write as much as you want! What kind of posts am I looking for? Anything that is engineering related. It can be about your experience as an engineer, or an engineering student....

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Life of a Procrastinator

Ok so we have seen the life of an Engineer. Obviously, this picture is giving us too much sleep correct? But have we seen how the life of an engineer who procrastinates goes? I know I had a lot of problems with procrastination. I would rather play videogames, go hang out with friends, watch some t.v. or just do anything that wasn't studying or homework. Well here's how the life of a procrastinator works. We will walk through several gifs and show...

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Productivity Level = 0

Ever have that kind of day where you didn't really do anything productive or even fun? Lets make Engineer Memes out of it...! But yeah, I often do. I remember for a whole semester in my undergrad (2nd year), all I did was sleep, eat, play videogames and sometimes hang out with friends. It was the biggest waste of time ever! That semester was so bad and it effected my GPA a lot. If I could go back to that semester I would actually have tried....

Saturday, 3 November 2012

How I feel about 8 am Engineering classes

Must stay awake: This is what I look like during an 8 am class. So I had several 8 am classes when I was an undergrad studying engineering. I hated 8 am classes. I even lived on campus and I still had trouble going to class. What made it worse was that it was a engineering stats course. I don't think I ever learned anything in that class because it was so early. Granted my sleeping pattern was messed up. Maybe I should have went to bed earlier?...

eHarmony - Why we should date an Engineer

So I am just surfing facebook and looking at stuff and I see this hilarious post one of my friends had on their page by eHarmony. What is eHarmony some of you may be asking? Well eHarmony is an online dating website designed for people who are single to meet and eventually create a long-term relationship. The site also provides advice on dating and uses specific algorithms to find you a compatible partner or some one with similar personalities...

Friday, 2 November 2012

Hug An Engineer & Engineering Student Day

Yes! It's that time of the year again. Exams are coming, lots of assignments due, midterms and tests approaching, and lots of all-nighters to finish up projects! Engineering can be very stressful when we do not organize our time effectively. We have assignments due practically every week, sometimes midterms every week, and on top of that we have labs and lab reports that can take forever to finish and they end up not being worth as much as our midterms...